-All volunteers will be required to watch a video with updated COVID-19 procedures training prior to returning to the farm.
-An electronic screening survey (Envoy) must be completed upon arrival to the farm. This survey will be updated as local, state, and federal guidelines are adjusted. Specific answers to questions on this survey may result in a required 14-day hiatus from the farm.
-Upon arrival to the farm, volunteers will park in the upper lot, step on the disinfectant mat, wash their hands, and check in with the greeter on duty. Volunteers will be asked to keep their nametags at home and bring them to the farm weekly for sessions. Sticky nametags will be available at the gazebo in the event a nametag is forgotten. Volunteers will check in via the iPad, with a stylus which has been disinfected.
-Although a water station will remain available, we encourage volunteers to bring their own water and at minimum their own water bottle to reduce exposure.
-The volunteer hub will remain closed at this time except for the sink. No more than 1 person may be in this room at one time.
-Hands must be washed upon arrival and also between clients if working with multiple clients.
-A face mask is required at any time when 6’ distancing cannot be maintained.
-Due to the additional risk of a rider who may not be wearing a mask, horse leaders, sidewalkers, and staff members in mounted classes/sessions must wear either a hat with a brim in addition to a mask, or a face shield and mask.