-Fall 2020 will be a 5 week session, running from 10/5 - 11/6. This session will not involve mounted activities, however thanks to all of the great feedback we received on our client survey, we are able to design ground-based programming that will provide clients with many of the benefits that were identified as most important. The services that we will be offering during Fall 2020 are Therapy Services (PT and OT) and Ground School. Therapy Services will be provided by our licensed PT's and OT's, while Ground School will be taught by our certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors. We also continue to provide Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy as an ongoing service.
-Each client (with the exception of adult EFP clients) will receive their own helmet, which the client or family will be responsible for maintaining and bringing to the farm when services are scheduled. The cost of the helmet will be included in the initial session cost, and financial aid will apply to the purchase cost. M&M Tack Shop has agreed to discount helmets for this bulk purchase. Their staff will be on site at the farm for scheduled helmet fittings, or clients may visit their shop in Raleigh to be fitted for a helmet. Clients may also opt to purchase a helmet on their own. Helmets must be ASTM/SEI certified and intended for the purpose of horseback riding, and manufactured within the past five years.
-Masks are recommended but not required for clients over the age of 2 and under the age of 13. Masks are required for clients over the age of 12 at any time when we are unable to maintain 6’ distancing. Clients who are unable to remove face masks themselves, or who would be at increased risk from wearing a face mask are exempt from this requirement. We are happy to provide masks on request, or clients may provide their own if preferred.
-Upon arrival at the farm, the client, accompanied by parent or caregiver if applicable, and with their helmet, will park in the top parking lot, report to the pavilion, step on the disinfectant mat, wash their hands, and check in with the greeter on duty for temperature screening and completion of the electronic health screening. The greeter will then notify the team that the client is ready, and escort the client to the arena. The parent or guardian will need to wait in the car for the duration of the lesson or treatment session; for clients for whom this will present a problem, please contact us in advance for an exception to this policy. At the end of the lesson or treatment session, the sidewalker or greeter will escort the client back to the pavilion to wash their hands and then to their vehicle.
-An electronic screening survey (Envoy) must be completed upon arrival at the farm. This survey will be updated as local, state, and federal guidelines are adjusted. Specific answers to questions on this survey may result in a required 14-day hiatus from the farm.
-STAY HOME and/or cancel services if you have exhibited or have been in contact with someone who has presented with illness within the previous 24 hours to 2 weeks, including but not limited to: cough, sneezing, fever, chest congestion or additional signs of potential spread of any cold, virus or bacteria/disease. If you arrive on-site and are exhibiting signs of cold/virus/illness, you will be asked to leave immediately. Because we would like to encourage cancellation in the event of suspected illness, any cancellations received at least two hours in advance will be credited to the next session.
-All sessions and activities will be scheduled with adequate time between clients to allow for separate arrival/departures, as well as cleaning. Unfortunately the need for tight scheduling may mean that we are unable to offer services in the case of late arrivals.
-For clients with limited mobility who need to park at the barn or arena, please contact us in advance of your first arrival to make arrangements.
-Although a water station will remain available, we encourage clients to bring their own water and at minimum their own water bottle to reduce everyone's exposure.
-The barn and office will remain closed at this time to reduce exposure for everyone.